I turn right, there it is. Left? again. Up, down, everywhere. We have reached a point in our lives where media and technology is what keeps us living, and up and running everyday. Will it remain this way? What will change? Its killing me. Too much.
Okay, that might have been a little bit of an over reaction. But really, what has become of this world where everywhere we go there has to be media? It comes in different shapes and sources, whether it was the world behind the internet, or the thousands of channels on our TV's that we go through everynight looking for some sort of brainwashing entertainment.
Think of it with me for a second, when was the last time you guys did anything without some sort of device that helped you? Let us take communication as a huge example. Years back, the only means of communication were letters and written messages. Soon after that, there were telephones -made life SO much easier- . Being in year 2010, we take a look at the telephone as such a funny thing, how lame right? We keep developing. Blackberry's, Facebook, iPhone, SMS, MMS, IM's..need i say more?
Its a whole world thats consuming our minds and lives. But what about MY world? What if i dont want that? Privacy? Secrets? What are those odd things i speak of, right? It is as if the media is purposely creating different things that encourage people to intrude on other peoples personal issues.
Thats a whole different story. I call it a stalking device. Magnificent.
What about my own personal bubble?
Everyone is up in everyone else's business. Its entertainment. Take the latest scandal that happened in Kuwait. The so called "Gossip Girl Kuwait" group on facebook. The girl behind that went ahead and dug deep to find gossip about people, and went ahead and sent it out to the world to be amused by other people's personal business, what an outrage. The result of this chaos? Anger. They track her down.
Will media have that effect on people once they cant take any more? Or will they be deceived by all the fantasies lying behind this world of media?
You cant run, you cant hide. It's there, its your life.
Picture from: leecannon.blogspot.com/.../ personal-bubble.htm
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