Its funny how the different ways we get entertained thorough media have such a huge effect on us. The stereotypes that are embedded into the different available media have such a big influence on the way we act and behave, and they enforce our lifestyles. Whether it was through movies, or advertisements, or music, and so on.
Why do men always appear as the superior gender and women are always expected to be the calmer more delicate ones.
The biggest evidence of that would be all the different existing advertisements. Why is it that women are always the ones cooking and cleaning? Are the men incapable of that? Why does the media decide to show only the women that do those things? What about the stay-at-home dads? Or the man that cook or clean? What is the purpose? Take a look at the Kelly Ripa advertisement as an example. They portray the women as a pretty, multi-tasked mother who is taking charge of everything around the house. When the advertisement is simply to show off the Electrolux Appliances. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDBMHz1Dthw]
Also, in an advertisement for Glade, why is it that the father had to be shown as the one going to work while the mother "enjoys" staying at home and cleaning. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntHoj7bdRtg]. Finally there is the pizza commercial, where the woman is shown as the weaker gender as the man bosses her around. Is that how it really is? Or is that the media's way of delivering it's message that people should in fact be that way. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQT6zHgiOoI]
Another example would be the car commercials. Why is it the men that are always shown driving cars? Women are equally as interested in cars, and are capable of driving a car as well. take the G-Class commercial as an example. They show men struggling and working hard, just to advertise a car. Which is also my favorite car. There you go, I'm a girl, and I'm very interested. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s2ju_Qih1g]. Another thing i noticed in commercials is how they portray the perfect man as tall, handsome, muscular and tanned. What difference does that make? How shallow are these things making the people! :o [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Aj55sgudlc] PS. notice how they portray men as having chest hair. how funny.
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